is a platform that seeks to give small publishers, artists, and initiatives a space for exchange and openness to the public. In 2022, this is happening in the form of a website–as both a stage and a repository for knowledge and resources–alongside a three-day event in Hanover from October 28–October 30, planned as a prelude to the years ahead.
The Shelf was conceived and is being organized by a group of cultural workers who engage with independent publishing from various perspectives–artistic, curatorial, design-oriented.
The Shelf–Festival for Artistic Publishing
When? October 28–October 30, 2022
Where? ”Einblickshalle“ Sprengel Museum Hannover
Website launch: early 2023
Initiated by: ad/ad – Project Space
Funding: Kulturbüro der Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur Niedersachsen, Fonds für Digitales der Region Hannover.
The Shelf
is an independent, non-commercial platform for the promotion of the book as a medium, printed matter in its varieties and the diversity of all aspects of artistic and independent publishing practices. The Shelf aims to initiate and build a series of projects over the coming years, centered around this website and events that will take place locally in Hanover.
This website as a vessel will be home to a growing „knowledge-base“. It provides a Platform for independent artistic projects as well as a collection / Resources of actors, places and discursive spaces related to independent and artistic publishing. Interested parties are invited to participate by, for example, bringing projects, publishers or initiatives in the field of independent publishing to our attention.
The Shelf – Art Book Fair as a main center part of our programming will be a recurring three-day event that will be a meeting place for artists, publishers, booksellers and amateurs that looks to stimulate exchange and creativity in a spirit of openness, inventiveness and mutual respect. For the first time The Shelf – Art Book Fair will take place in October 2022 at Sprengel Museum Hannover with a broad selection of publishers, Curated Shelves as well as talks and workshops.
For more information and further developments please follow us on Instagram.
Subscribe to our Newsletter here.
The Shelf – Display is conceptualized as an open space that in the future will function as a digital platform for a diverse accumulation of various media and individual presentations as well as artistic and scientific research and contributions from a wide range of actors in all fields deeply connected to books and publishing in a broad sense.
Coming Soon

The Shelf – Resources section is a growing collection, knowledge-base, compendium and directory, with the aim to showcase and bring together selected independent publishers, art book fairs, book shops and everything (else imaginable) in the field of art books and publishing from all around the world. This list will constantly be updated and expanded.
Know someone or something essential and relevant that you deem crucially missing?
Let us know and contact us via
2nd Cannons Publications is an artists’ book publishing project by Brian Kennon, based in Los Angeles.
ABC Art Book Fair Shanghai
About Books is an independent publisher of contemporary art, cultural and architectural books. In close collaboration with artists, curators and architects, About Books develops and distributes book projects of high design quality and materialization in small editions.
ACID-FREE is pleased to announce the launch of its new Library Services division, debuting at Frieze Los Angeles. With a focus on books that maintain positions of criticality and self-reflexivity, Library Services provides audiences an opportunity to support the Acid-Free publisher network and its mission to create new spaces for critical discussion surrounding independent art publishing.
Actual Source is an American publisher, brand, and book store that collaborates with contemporary artists and designers, to release limited edition books, fonts, clothing, and objects. Actual Source celebrated 5 years of independent publishing in 2019.
Adolfo is a small publishing house. We are based in Barcelona and send publications around the world. Adolfo is also the name of our neighbor. We print and deliver every Friday.
After 8 Books is an independent bookstore and publisher based in Paris. The bookstore, onsite and online, welcomes the printed endeavours of contemporary artists, thinkers, writers, musicians, poets, and other art workers
Ahorn Books is a publishing project founded by Daniel Augschöll and Anya Jasbar in 2016, as an organic extension of the online platform Ahorn Magazine. Ahorn Books’ current catalog offers two series of publications, Ahorn Paper and Ahorn Archive, dedicated to the theory of photography and an in-depth understanding of different photographic practices. It also offers a selection artist’s books and multiples.
Allied Forces Press is an international publishing collective based in San Francisco, CA. The Allied Forces Annual is an Art Book for modern human people.
Publisher based in Brussels.
Anonymous Press (Α–Π) is a self-sufficient publishing platform. Every publication by Α–Π is a byproduct of an individual and a database, i.e. Google ImageSearch. Human author defines the topic, the content and the form is generated from the most relevant images found online. Each publication is added to a public library. Every item in the library can be printed on-demand and is available to everyone for a small fee covering shipping and production costs. Publications are sorted in a chronological order. Α–Π does not own, nor is responsible for the content generated by its users.
Antenne Books is a distributor for independent publishers. Established in London in 2010, Antenne Books distributes publications on art, photography, design, illustration, theory, writing, fashion and culture.
Anthology Editions uncovers and fashions cultural narratives as books, music collections, online experiences, and exhibitions. Stories of every caliber and color communicate and resonate within the new canon Anthology Editions seeks to establish.
APE (Art Paper Editions) is a Ghent-based independent publishing platform founded in 2010 by Jurgen Maelfeyt.
Arcana: Books on the Arts is an open shop in Culver City, California specializing in new, rare, and out of print books, catalogues, and ephemera on 20th + 21st Century Art, Photography, Design, Architecture, Fashion, Cinema, Music, and Culinariana.
für uns interessant zum Thema online-Aufbereitung + Sammlung Ressourcen bzw. von Wissen
main goal is to produce, engage, accumulate, and circulate critical material for artists, curators, cultural researchers, and other interested individuals
Magazin von Arno Auer aus Hannover
TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR started in 2009; the first book fair in Japan to specialize in art publications. Held annually, it gathers independent publishers, gallery presses, bookshops as well as individual artists and groups.
Art Books is a non-commercial platform for the book, whose goal it is to make beautiful and hard to find publications available. Art Books seeks to pursue this objective by hosting temporary bookshops and organizing book-related events.
Printed Matter and Miami-based EXILE Books have organized a presentation of artists’ book publishers at the 19th edition of NADA Miami. This exciting collaboration hosted 37 artists’ book publishers featuring new books as well as historical and rare materials, accessible and DIY approaches to bookmaking, and many presentations focusing on Latin American artists, publications, and printmakers.
Art Catalogues is an independent art bookstore in business since 1977. It specializes in current and out-of-print museum and gallery exhibition catalogues and books on the subjects of modern art, architecture and photography.
Established in 1978, Art Data specializes in the distribution of publications on contemporary art, architecture, photography, design, theory, fashion and performing arts. We represent a wide range of publishers, from independents, including Four Corners Books, Sternberg Press, Rough Trade Books, The Architectural Association, London, A.D.A.Edita Tokyo and CentreCentre, to public galleries and museums, including the Pompidou Centre, Paris, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh and Nottingham Contemporary, along with private organisations such as The White Cube, Gagosian Gallery, the Prada Foundation and PACE London & Pace Gallery New York.
Art Metropole is a non-profit visual arts centre with a focus on contemporary art in formats predisposed to circulation and dissemination: artists’ books and art publications, video, audio, electronic media, and multiples. Art Metropole distributes works through its space at 896 College Street, pop-up and satellite locations, and online.
ARTBOOK operates both a museum bookstore and an international magazine store at ARTBOOK @ MoMA PS 1 in New York City. We operate ARTBOOK @ Walker, the book section at the Walker Art Center’s Walker Shop in Minneapolis. In March, 2016, ARTBOOK opened ARTBOOK @ Hauser & Wirth Los Angeles within the gallery’s brand new complex in the Downtown Los Angeles Arts District.
ArtsLibris was founded in 2009 as a publishing fair project specialising in artist’s publications, photobooks, contemporary thought, self-publishing and digital publications. It has three annual fairs, ArtsLibris Barcelona, ArtsLibris ARCOmadrid and ArtsLibris ARCOlisboa. Over the course of eleven editions, ArtsLibris has consolidated an international reputation with a distinct identity, rooted in the Mediterranean and Latin American context.
Athens Art Book Fair is an artist-run initiative aiming to bring together and showcase artist publications produced in Greece as well as to create a link with publishing-based artistic practices internationally.
The fair is an arena for the overlaps between literature and visual arts, and consists of current publications, conversations and presentations where these two fields break into each other.
Bergen Art Book Fair is an international art book and self-publishing festival in Norway. The fair showcase local, national and international artists and small press publishers. The fair is organized by Pamflett. Pamflett is a artist run self-publishing workshop and mediator of artist’s books, which run residencies, book launches, exhibitions and workshops.
Bierke Verlag, based in Berlin, publishes in the fields of photography and art, architecture, design and theory. You can find our books in various bookshops in Europe and the US, in places like Walther König (Ger & UK), Donlon Books (UK), Tate Modern (UK), Pro qm (Ger), McNally Jackson (NY) or Artbook at MOMA PS1 (NY)
Boekie Woekie, books by artists, began paying rent for a tiny space in downtown Amsterdam on January 1st, 1986. It was then seen by its 6 founders as a shop for their own publications. The new shop opened for publications by others. There are now about 7000 titles – almost exclusively self published or small press books.
BOM DIA BOA TARDE BOA NOITE is a small independent publishing house, a community of artists, graphic designers, authors, curators, cultural workers, craftsmen and craftswomen. We specialize in artist books that are conceptualized as a part of an artwork or as the artwork itself.
BookBiennale opened in Venice on 10 May 2019 as a temporary research space dedicated to publishing. BookBiennale uses heterogeneous tools like presentations, interviews, podcasts and limited editions such as shelves, bookmarks and bags developed together with artists.
Book Boy is a student´s initiative and publishing platform from HFG Karlsruhe.
border_less ARTBOOK DAYS aims to showcase artists, galleries, initiatives and institutions that have publications and work with texts. The event fosters the fields of art publishing and art-book making and become a common ground for introductions and interactions between artists, art professionals, print houses, and the public alike.
Bricks from the Kiln is an irregular journal/ multifarious publisher started in 2015 by Matthew Stuart & Andrew Walsh-Lister. Located in London, Brighton.
Publisher based in London.
bruno is the pseudonym of Andrea Codolo and Giacomo Covacich since 2013. The project, which is based in Venice, combines a graphic design studio, an exhibition space and a specialist bookstore focussing on visual communication and international independent publishers
Building Books is a publishing house focused on landscapes and built forms. These worlds come to life through stories and photographs, artistic and social experiments, by artists and thinkers with distinct points of view. For Building Books, architecture is a starting point, a pretext for taking a sensitive, enlightened and considered interest in the environment in which it exists and in the ways it is understood by its inhabitants and the broader public.
Building Fictions (BF) is a publishing project from Amsterdam that sets out to explore ‘building’ as a methodology, with the intent to highlight the potential of storytelling within practices at the intersection of art, design, architecture, literature.
Case Publishing is a Tokyo based publisher founded in 2015. We focus on artistic culture consist of contemporary art, photography and design.
Catalogue Library is an independent publishing platform for artists and designers started by Catalogue. The project embodies the idea that zines should be a quick representation of a subject or idea. This ethos is carried through into the production of our zines, printed with basic materials and made by hand. We print zines with a Risograph GR3770 and a HP Laserjet 5000n and work with printers locally in the UK or USA.
Books and other works produced in prison
Grafik Designer, der sich in seiner Praxis viel mit Amateurkultur berschäftigt
Art fair with 26 leading galleries in the Nordics, an Experimental section of 11 artist-run and alternative exhibition spaces, a brand new art book fair with artist and art-related printed matter.
The Chicago Art Book Fair is an experiment in showcasing emerging directions and diverse legacies within small press arts publishing. The fair features an international group of over 125 arts publishers, small presses, book artists, comics artists, zinemakers and printmakers, with satellite programming and after parties
Ciao Press is a publishing playground founded by Nicolas Polli in Switzerland in the end of 2017 after several experiences with publishers and publishing books.
She is the coordinator of the Social Practices course at Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam and teaches Experimental Publishing at Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. In the Philippines, she co-founded (…) a research platform and residency program that articulated cultural programming with rural and underserved communities. She is interested in the value of vernacular material culture and processes of collectivizing authorship.
hat viele Zines produziert, zu Themen rund um Körper(politiken) – die sind leider nicht mehr online einsehbar…
Coda Press’ curatorial focus is centred around developing the work of artists working primarily with text as a central medium in their studio practice. Coda is dedicated to promoting art writing as a catalyst for critical discourse and knowledge production in on an equal plane to one’s visual practice. The press aims to promote an argument towards art writing as being something different to academic musings, exploring metafictions and intertextuality, and seeks to highlight a growing medium that is still in its early stages of recognition within many artistic circles.
Collection is an independent magazine, launched in 2010. It is designed and imagined by a team of artists and graphic designers. Each issue is distributed by Les presses du réel.
Colorama is a small Art Press and Risoprinting studio based in Berlin run by Johanna Maierski since 2015. Our publications and exhibitions present contemporary artists in the field of experimental comics and artists’ books, as well as projects that explore speculative forms of narration, collective narration and alternative knowledge production.
Since 2015, Coloured Publishing – a joint project from artist Devin Troy Strother and designer Yuri Ogita – has steadily produced dozens of editioned works, including artists’ books, zines, loose-leaf publications, prints, t-shirts and buttons. Publishing outside institutional standards, the press aims to share ideas about an eclectic range of topics with full autonomy – being people of color in the US, celebrating underappreciated cultural phenomena, and publishing works by their fellow artists.
COLPA is the collaborative art practice of Luca Antonucci and David Kasprzak. We work together as a publisher, designer, printer and curator. COLPA PRESS publishes art books, limited edition prints and art objects, often working with artists on unique projects.
We opened our gallery and shop, “commune” in Tokyo in 2009. In 2013 we established our own independent press, “commune Press” to further our founding mission to introduce great and promising artists to as many people as possible all around the world.
CONNOISSEURS is a Publishing House based in Paris. Founded in 2017 by artists Karina Bisch and Nicolas Chardon, CONNOISSEURS aim to promote Contemporary Painting through catalogues, artists books and fanzines.
Container Corps is a publication design studio, printshop, bindery, and exhibition space that serves as a platform for the creation, distribution, and discussion of new arts publications. We publish books-as-projects, or books-as-works in themselves, or primary sources. Our publications use the means of their production as an avenue of expression.
Cooperative Editions (Co-Ed) is a name under which N. Weltyk offers friends, artists, and authors assistance in publishing. Since its commencement in 2013, Co-Ed has published roughly twenty titles.
Counter-Print is an online book store and publishers specialising in art and design books. Founded in 2008 by Céline Leterme and Jon Dowling, Counter-Print is an independent British company which ships worldwide.
Cours de Poétique (CdP) is the publishing imprint of Polimekanos. It was founded by Joseph Kohlmaier and Stefan Kraus in 2016 and launched with the publication of The Listening Reader. CdP publishes musical scores; artists’ books and catalogues; and books and essays in the humanities and arts.
cpress books was founded in 2014 by Christof Nüssli and Christoph Oeschger to establish an independent platform for artist books. cpress publishes high-quality books in close collaboration with its authors. Our books are works of art and therefore can be seen as multiples. cpress books tackle the topics of politics and (pop) culture while engaging and contributing to discussions in the cultural sphere and beyond.
Dale Zine, established 2009 in Miami, is an independent printer and publisher with the goal of giving a platform to multimedia artists and designers. With humble beginnings as a zine collaboration about Garfield, Dale has broadened into something of an open cultural space for the Miami community, with offerings ranging from all- age zine workshops to our independent radio show, pop-up events, and most recently a storefront in Downtown Miami.
Publisher and Bookseller, based in Paris.
“A kitchen table becomes a publishing house” (– Sara Ahmed (Living a Feminist Life)Wir sind ein intersektional-feministisches und anti-rassistisches Zine-Kollektiv mit Sitz in Düsseldorf. Uns verbindet eine langjährige Freundinnenschaft und schon lange war es unser Traum, gemeinsam etwas zu veröffentlichen.
Dent-De-Leone is a not for profit publishing hut operating since 2007. Dent–De–Leone sees itself as being curious and any editorial line to be suspicious. Despite appearances Dent-De-Leone is not based in New Zealand and produces mostly books but also objects and immaterial publications based on conversations. Dent–De–Leone is Martino Gamper, Gemma Holt, Kajsa Ståhl & Maki Suzuki.
DIABP is a collective of small independent Dutch publishers specialized in art, photography and artist books. We are artists / photographers / designers who publish books independently. The collective was founded in Amsterdam, February 2016.
Publications in open editions. Nothing signed or numbered. To make art in the form of publications. To publish reference materials that support exhibitions, experiments and other people. To devise a business structure in which the publications are affordable and their value defined by what one might get out of owning them, rather than from reselling them. Est. 2013 by Tauba Auerbach
Donlon Books is an independent bookshop and publisher located at 75 Broadway Market in the diverse creative community of London’s Borough of Hackney.
DoPe Press—founded in 2008 by editor Dorothée Perret—is an independent press for artists, providing a forum for open investigation and discourse. Associate editor Barlo Perry joined the press ten years ago, and our publishing project includes art books, exhibition catalogs, fine art editions, and the magazine PARIS LA—a print and online periodical of revolving themes committed to free interpretations of the arts.
Draw Down publishes and sells small books about graphic design, typography, illustration, photography, art and architecture.
The Dublin Art Book Fair 2019 (DABF), the only art book fair in Ireland, now taking place over ten days from 21st November to 1st December 2019. DABF is sponsored by Henry J Lyons and supported by Dublin UNESCO City of Literature.
Edition Taube is an independent publishing house for contemporary art and publishes artists’ books and limited editions in small print runs. Edition Taube believes in the future and demands and supports new positions on paper
B42 publishes books questioning our visual environment and contributing to the formation of a library, which offers tools to think about the practices of design, graphic design, typography and contemporary creation. These studies cross-reference various domains: technology, media, digital, anthropology, and culture.
Éditions curates contemporary art and publishing by collaborating with artists to release collections of limited works.
The books, editions, videos and DVDs represent an engaging palette of interests addressed by internationally renowned artists. Our publications are self-contained works, issued in small, usually limited and often numbered editions. Their subject matter may be a work of art, an installation, a performance or a theory, which the artists wish to preserve for posterity. Co-designed by the artists, they are works of art in themselves, which – in contrast to works for exhibitions – enjoy the privilege of being analyzed in accompanying theoretical and philosophical essays by renowned writers.
EGGY is an artist-run platform specializing in unique projects, art books, limited edition prints and objects.
Founded by François Havegeer, Sacha Léopold and Kévin Lartaud, the Empire publishing house is an extension of the Syndicat studio’s activities related to images, graphic design and relations with artists.
Endless Editions is a publishing and curatorial initiative founded in 2014. Endless Editions’ mission is to produce and disseminate books or prints by emerging artists, irrespective of age, gender identity, creed, or race.
ENTER ENTER is a not-for-profit venue hosted by Premiss, Roma Publications, and Fw:Books. Situated in Amsterdam ENTER ENTER is a project space dedicated to the “art of the book”. It works with publishers, designers, authors, printers, indeed anyone who is professionally involved with independent art books, to present creatively designed exhibitions on relevant subjects. It also organises meetings and conversations relating to the exhibitions, and on general topics concerning the independent art book. In this context “art” is widely defined to include fine art, design, architecture, photography, film etc.
everyedition is a publishing house founded by Sebastian Cremers and dedicated to designing and printing books that stand as unique objects, emphasizing a rather conceptual approach.
Die Fabrikzeitung ist ein Magazin für kulturelle, gesellschaftliche und politische Themen; sie wird von der IG Rote Fabrik herausgegeben und erscheint seit 1984 zehn Mal jährlich.
Vienna-based Art Book & Zine Fair
Since our first meeting in 2015 Feminist Health Care Research Group publishes zines, posters and publications. Our aim has been to share our research and working process in a straightforward manner and within the frame of our capacities.
Fillip is a Vancouver-based publishing organization that was formed in 2004 to expand spaces for critical discussions on contemporary art.
Foolscap Editions is an independent publisher that works in close collaboration with artists to release books and special editions. Founded in 2016. Sign up to our mailing list to be the first to hear of upcoming artist releases.
At Four Corners Books we seek to bring art history to life. Our aim is to explore unfamiliar corners of visual history, share the stories we find, and publish them as well as we can.
Friends with Books is one of Europe’s premier festivals for contemporary artists’ books and periodicals. Featuring 200+ international participants and a series of public programmes.
Fully Booked is a unique & curated international platform for creative publications & artists’ books from or of the Middle East, North Africa, & South Asia, anchored by the annual Dubai art book fair. The flagship namesake fair—the first of its kind in the Gulf—premiered in 2017 in Alserkal Avenue, during the annual Dubai Art Week. The third annual fair was held in March 2019 during Dubai Art Week.
Fw:Books is an independent publisher with a focus on photography and related topics. Photography is a unique medium; it doesn’t have a fixed way of revealing itself. We see the choice to make a book as a choice to make a new work. Fw:Books is a collaboration between Hans Gremmen (designer, editor), Petra Stavast (artist), and Karin Krijgsman (writer, curator).
GenderFail is a publishing, programing and archiving platform run solely by Be Oakley. GenderFail is not non-for-profit but profit-for-survival or profit-to-continue-our-work-without-other-means-of-capital and most importantly to make money for others I publish, to create profit-for-labor. With GenderFail, publishing is personal, it’s a means of my livelihood and a tool for the dissemination of imperfect, but powerful idea. For GenderFail, we seek to publish works that expand queer subjectivity by looking at queerness as an identity that challenges capitalist, racist, ableist, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, and anti-environmental ideologies.
Ghent Art Book Fair
Golden Spike Press is a platform dedicated to well-considered small run books, booklets, and multiples centered on collaborative projects with artists, educators, writers, and critics. Located in Los Angeles.
Good Press is a workers cooperative dedicated to the promotion, distribution and production of independently or self published printed matter, with a focus on visual arts and writing, occasionally music or artist objects. It is a bookshop, event space, Risograph printer & bookmaking studio based in the centre of Glasgow.
Hassla is a New York-based publishing project by artist David Schoerner; founded in 2007 with a focus on artists’ books and catalogues.
Hat & Beard is an independent, Los Angeles-based publisher and print production house. With our book imprint, Hat & Beard Press, we create original, illustrated nonfiction books of pop-cultural and historical significance that draw on existing cult audiences. As a production house, via Hat & Beard Projects, we produce artist monographs in conjunction with art galleries, museums, nonprofits, and artists themselves.
Originally founded in 2011 by Harry Hardie and Ben Weaver, Here Press is an independent publishing platform, directed by Ben Weaver since 2017. Here Press collaborates closely with artists to explore the use of photography in book form.
Hesse Press places equal emphasis on the needs of their artists, audience and community at large in the context of affordable and thoughtfully designed books.
Hopscotch Reading Room is a new-ish space in Berlin whose aim is to expand and deepen the experience of the non-western world in the realms of discourse and literature.
Humourless Books is a publishing project founded in 2018. The project was born out of the desire to design, produce, and publish books. Our focus is on young artists who are still at the beginning of their career.
I Never Read, Art Book Fair Basel will presents over 110 national and international, institutional and independent publishers, authors, artists, and designers from 18 countries.
IACK is an independent art center located in Kanazawa Japan; we are an independent art book store, gallery, artist studio, and distributor.
Founded in 1976, Idea Books is a specialist wholesaler and distributor of the latest books, magazines, exhibition catalogues, and more on architecture, art, photography, design, fashion, and film.
Mexico City Art Book Fair
Indiecon is a joint effort of independent magazine, book, art print and zine publishers from all over the world. The festival is based at Hamburg’s Oberhafen, a former freight yard now creative quarter right in the city centre.
InOtherWords creates books and editions in close collaboration with artists and other cultural protagonists. Publications are crafted to the highest standard and with utmost care. InOtherWords is an imprint founded by Oliver Knight and Rory McGrath of OK-RM in 2015.
Inventory Press publishes books on topics in art, architecture, design, and music, with an emphasis on subcultures, minor histories, and the sociopolitical aspects of material culture.
Buchmesse in der HGB Leipzig mit thematischem Rahmenprogramm
Independent Publishing Fair Leipzig. It’s a book, it’s a word that you choose, it’s a language in use.
J&L Books is a non-profit Atlanta / New York based publisher of artists’ books, founded in 2000 by Jason Fulford and Leanne Shapton. J&L produces two to five new books each year by or about contemporary artists.
Jungle Books is an independent publisher specializing in contemporary visual arts. We focus on Swiss art and architecture as well as conveying knowledge about these subjects in Switzerland and internationally. We aim to create new works in close cooperation with artists, designers, authors, and publishers. Jungle Books was founded by Samuel Bänziger, Rosario Florio, Olivier Hug and Larissa Kasper.
Kaunas Art Book Fair” is an event that creates value for the content and design of an art book and promotes networking. The fair focuses exclusively on the culture of art publishing, building a new community, maintaining an existing one as well as initiating global trends in Lithuania.
Khaos Puiblishing is a small independent publisher based in Helsinki, Finland.
The Monetisation of Language by Google Adwords is a hybrid publishing model made with the Google Adwords system where the amount of money leads the narrative of the book.
Kiosk is a London based independent publisher with a focus on self-published zines & artist books from young creatives. It is a platform designed to give a voice to emerging artists, illustrators, designers by promoting their work and collaborating with them to produce publications.
Kodoji Press is an independent, non-profit-oriented art book publishing project founded by designer Winfried Heininger.
Lars Müller Publishers is an internationally active publishing house based in Zurich, Switzerland. It came into being in 1983, as a result of the bibliophile passion of designer Lars Müller. The house has made a worldwide name for itself – and not just in specialist fields – with carefully edited and designed publications on architecture, design, photography, contemporary art and society. The publishing program reflects Müller’s own diverse interests, documenting historical developments and contemporary phenomena by presenting compelling work in the visual arts and the design of objects and the environment and exploring its social and cultural relevance.
LeMégot publishes fanzines, books, posters and objects since 2010
Lenz is a new publishing house with an interdisciplinary approach. Visual arts form the backbone of our catalog. In parallel, Lenz publishes titles on theory, architecture, design, and other disciplines shaping the contemporary cultural field.
Distributor based in Dijon, France.
Libros Mutantes is a Spain-based independent project focused on the relation between publishing and Visual Arts. Throughout the year they organise different events in order to bring this creative universe closer to the public. The main event in their calendar is Libros Mutantes Madrid Art Book Fair, held at La Casa Encendida.
ll’Editions is a cross-disciplinary publishing imprint collaborating with artists, designers and architects around the world. The ll’Editions webshop, with its small but growing inventory, features a varied range books, printed matter and objects. Each item is available in a set edition, with no reprints or reissues made after an item has sold out.
Anarchistische, feministische Künstler*innen Kollektiv, machen Workshops und Zines
Lugemik is an independent publishing initiative based in Tallinn, Estonia, founded in 2010 by graphic designer Indrek Sirkel and artist Anu Vahtra.
In 2013, Lugemik opened its first bookshop on the premises of the Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM) and 2020 operates a bookshop on the premises of Tallinn Art Hall.
Martian Press is a one-human operation, run by Stephanie Lane Gage and currently located in Los Angeles, CA. It was founded in Milwaukee, WI in October of 2015.
Independent Booksellers in New York.
Independent publishing practice functioning as a space for publications, objects and other works in the field of contemporary design. Based in Luzern.
Raum für Workshops, Ausstellungen und Diskurs um Künstler:innen-Publikationen
Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair brings together a wide selection of the most interesting artists/authors, artist periodicals and art publishers and is accompanied by a series of public programs.
Established in 1962, the MIT Press is one of the largest and most distinguished university presses in the world and a leading publisher of books and journals at the intersection of science, technology, art, social science, and design.
MONOGRAPH BOOKWERKS is an art, ephemera and object bookstore based in Portland, Oregon featuring a curated selection of books on modern and contemporary art and artists, architecture, graphic design, fashion, photography, artist biographies, countercultures, theory and art criticism.
Non-profit publisher specialising in limited edition Photo and Art Books. We view the book as the final step in an artists process, and encourage the artist to engage in the conception, design and feel of the book. Having worked on the book closely with the artist we feel it is only right we also keep a close relationship with bookshops.
In December 2008 Motto opened its first permanent bookstore, in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The store is a natural progression from the traveling temporary bookshops that Motto has organized since 2007, first in Switzerland and then internationally. The temporary locations include Vilnius, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Moscow, Vancouver, Stuttgart, Athens, Seoul, Tokyo, Paris, Helsinki, Tbilissi, Kyiv, Prishtina, San Francisco, Istanbul
Motto was started by Alexis Zavialoff around 2007, and initiated as a distribution company for Switzerland, specializing in magazines and fanzines, a service which hardly existed before on the Swiss territory.
Mousse Publishing is an independent publishing house established in 2008, specializing in contemporary art and culture. Born as a spin-off of Mousse, Mousse Publishing develops tailored editorial projects with artists, curators, editors, galleries, museums, biennials, and other cultural institutions, both public and private
MAD revolves around the figure of the publisher, the most independent and versatile actor in today’s art world: 100 international publishers, selected for the quality of their prospectus.
My Bookcase approaches the book not as a hermetic object, but one that can be deconstructed and explored through art, architecture, design, and literature, as well as with communities beyond these fields.
NAP is a network for distribution and dissemination of Nordic art books. NAP was initiated with a desire to create better distribution opportunities for the art book field.
Native is an independent publishing imprint that works with artists and designers to produce zines, artist books, printed matter and other items. Our approach to publishing is rooted in collaboration and prioritises the unique possibilities of each individual project, rather than a predefined aesthetic or style.
Founded in 1990, Nazraeli Press has published over 600 titles on the fine and applied arts. The press is known for its unorthodox use of common materials – such as papers, wood, plastic, metals – and for introducing elements of handwork into otherwise mass-produced objects. The press’s books have themselves been the subject of exhibitions and books about books.
Publisher specialized in riso-printed editions. Located in Los Angeles.
Publisher based in Los Angeles.
Nieves is a publishing house based in Zurich, Switzerland. Founded in 2001, Nieves publishes artists’ books and zines.
Noom is a Barcelona-based publisher specializing in visual arts.
nos:books is an independent publisher founded by artist Son Ni in 2008 in Taipei.
Occasional Papers is a non-profit publisher of affordable books devoted to the histories of architecture, art, design, film and literature. Founded in 2008 by Sara De Bondt and Antony Hudek.
Offprint is a platform supporting independent and experimental publishers. It is activated under different formats and various locations (London, Paris, Milano and Arles ).
OMMU is a bookstore and publisher est. 2010, based in Athens Greece. We stock a range of rare and historic publications.
Onomatopee Projects (founded and directed by Freek Lomme since 2006) is a curating and editorially led public gallery and publisher that is particularly known for their self-initiated and transdisciplinary projects. Furthermore, Onomatopee also hosts the projects of progressive individuals as well as artist-run and institutional organisations.
Bookshop and collaborative space organized by Seite Books and Kaya Press. We carry new and used books, comics, and zines. The selection has an emphasis on literature in translation, POC creators in both literature and art, alternative comics, international comics and art books, independent presses, POC history, and the Other in related contexts.
Other Forms is a mobile research and design collective working in multiple intersections of architecture, graphic design, and publishing. Other Forms considers how design reflects and critiques, in semi-autonomous marginal spaces, the material and social conditions of its practice. Other Forms produces exhibitions, publications, writing, and typography, and anticipates the possibility of architecture. Other Forms is Jack Henrie Fisher and Alan Smart. Jonathan Krohn helps sometimes when he’s not working on Standards and Practices. We/they are based in Chicago and Berlin.
P.A.G.E.S. is a platform where you can find art and design publications, art prints, fanzines, posters, multiples, comics, magazines, newspapers, limited editions and other printed objects. P.A.G.E.S. is a space of exchange and creation around print, an opportunity to meet!
Page Not Found is a non-profit space based in The Hague, whose aim is to promote publishing as artistic practice, and to make artists’ publications and related writings accessible to a wider audience
Palm Press Publishing was conceived in 2017 as the imprint of ad/ad – Project Space. In addition to publications in conjunction with the ad/ad exhibition program Palm Press is ever so often venturing into diverse collaborations with artists, writers, institutions and galleries for interdisciplinary publishing projects.
Originally the imprint of the Paris-based project space castillo/corrales (2007-2015), Paraguay is a cooperative publishing house devoted to developing a new vocabulary of words and actions through a program of publications (comprising artists books and catalogues, essays, long form interviews, and contemporary fiction), talks, and workshops.
Peradam Press is a publishing group specializing in small-run artist books. Established in 2012 inside a McDonalds on Delancey Street. A collected pool of $100s bought our first book binder and trimmer.
Perimeter is a specialised bookstore, award-winning publisher, distribution house and platform for various art publishing endeavours in Melbourne, Australia.
Perimeter Distribution is a distributor of specialist, independently published books and magazines on contemporary art, photography, architecture and design, supplying bookstores, galleries and other retail ventures in Australia and New Zealand. Founded in 2013 after the friendly acquisition of longstanding distributor Modern Journal, Perimeter Distribution is directly affiliated with bookstore and art space Perimeter Books and publishing imprint Perimeter Editions. In 2016, Perimeter became the official Australia/NZ representative for leading Amsterdam-based distributor Idea Books.
Perimeter Editions is the award-winning publishing imprint of Melbourne-based bookstore Perimeter Books and distribution house Perimeter Distribution. Releasing its first publication in 2012, Perimeter Editions’ focus rests on publishing autonomous books in close collaboration with photographers, artists, curators and writers. Its publications exhibit a criticality and sensitivity to content and form.
Available for purchase will be alternative publications that speak to the reader about the world we live in through unique forms.
PoD Archiv m. Künstler:innen-Büchern
Press Press is a publishing initiative that aims to shift and deepen the understanding of voices, identities, and narratives that have been suppressed or misrepresented by the mainstream.
Primary Information is a non-profit organization founded in 2006 to publish artists’ books and writings. The organization’s programming advances the often-intertwined relationship between artists’ books and arts’ activism, creating a platform for historically marginalized artistic communities and practices. Primary Information facilitates intergenerational dialogue through the simultaneous publication of new and archival books, providing a new audience for out-of-print works and historical context for contemporary artists.
Founded in 1976, Printed Matter, Inc. is the world’s leading non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination, understanding and appreciation of artists’ books and related publications.
Printed Matter’s NY Art Book Fair (NYABF) is the leading international gathering for the distribution of artists’ books, celebrating the full breadth of the art publishing community. Free and open to the public, the event draws more than 35,000 individuals including book lovers, collectors, artists, and art world professionals each year.
Since 2005, Printed Matter’s Art Book Fairs have hosted international exhibitors featuring a wide variety of works—from zines and artists’ books to rare and out of print publications, and contemporary art editions. This new Fair expanded upon the rich tradition of our longrunning and beloved NY and LA Art Book Fairs, including over 400 exhibitors from 43 countries, with online programs, performances, games, and more.
Printing Plant – Art Book Fair – In conjunction with Amsterdam Art Weekend, November 23-25 2018, Looiersgracht 60 has organised a bespoke 3-day art book fair for like-minded, independent publishers. Artistic print culture has a rich narrative in Amsterdam’s history, one that is often overlooked. As there are currently no book fairs focusing on art books in Amsterdam, we would like to take this opportunity to offer a new platform for the progressive publications that artists and publishing houses are producing.
PUB is a platform for exploring and discussing the act of publishing located in Oslo. PUB is run by Torpedo and Eller med a.
Publication Studio is a laboratory for publication in its fullest sense — not just the production of books, but the production of a public. This public, which is more than a market, is created through physical production, digital circulation, and social gathering.
Archiv mit vielen Downloads (PDFs etc.)
Readers & Publishers is an online directory of independent publishers.
Founded in 1998 by Christoph Keller (under the name Revolver Archiv für aktuelle Kunst), the independent publisher’s programme consists of publications such as catalogues, special editions and theoretical writings from the fields of art, photography, architecture, design, and theory. Among others, artists such as Tomma Abts, Francis Alys, Halil Altindere, Candice Breits, Christian Jankowski, Hassan Khan, Anouk Kruithof, Maria Hassabi, Nasan Tur, Rita Hensen or Tess Jaray.
Rollo Press is a publishing project founded by Urs Lehni in Zürich at the end of 2007, more or less accidentally after purchasing a risograph from Ebay. Since then, roughly 60 titles have been published under this imprint. A big part of our catalogue is distributed internationally by Idea Books in Amsterdam.
Roma Publications is an Amsterdam based art book publisher and design studio, founded in 1998 by graphic designer Roger Willems, and artists Mark Manders and Marc Nagtzaam. It is used as a platform to produce and distribute autonomous publications made in close collaboration with a growing number of artists, institutions, writers and designers. Related to the content, every issue has its own rule of appearance and distribution, varying from house to house papers to exclusive books. The publications so far are in editions between 2 and 150,000 copies. Occasionally, Roma also curates exhibitions.
Helsinki based publisher of bookworks and multiples. Exploring publishing as artistic practice and publications as space for contemporary art.
Arbeit/Essay über Maschinenbias, Gesichtserkennung etc. (beginnt bei analoger Farbfotografie)
RUJA PRESS is a publishing project since 2013 by Ruohong Wu and José Quintanar. We perceive publishing as our artistic practice. We make books from a social and political conviction. But above all, we make books for fun.
RVB Books is both an independent publisher dedicated to designing and printing unique fine arts books and a gallery featuring exhibitions on new editorial practices.
SALON FÜR KUNSTBUCH is a Vienna-based presentation and exhibition space in which topics and interests in the visual arts can be negotiated through the medium of the book.
The SF Art Book Fair is an annual multi-day festival of artists’ publications. The event is FREE and OPEN to the public and features artists’ books, art catalogs, monographs, periodicals, zines, printed ephemera, and artists’ multiples. These works are presented by over 100 independent publishers, antiquarian dealers, artists, collectors, and enthusiasts. Over the weekend, the fair hosts a diverse range of talks, discussions, book launches, on and off-site special projects, exhibitions and signings.
Art book store in Amsterdam
Shelter Press is a record label / publishing platform founded in 2012 by publisher Bartolomé Sanson and artist Félicia Atkinson building up dialogues between contemporary art, poetry and experimental music through printed publications and records.
Publisher started in 2015 by Coley Brown. Based in Los Angeles, CA.
The Singapore Art Book Fair (SGABF) is an independent annual multi-day event celebrating contemporary art books and zines. Founded in 2013, it was the first of its kind in Southeast Asia, and has now established itself as one of the leading art book fairs in Asia.
A salon run by twelvebooks, a distributor specializing in art books. The salon is run by twelvebooks, a distributor specializing in art books. twelvebooks has created an unconventional management system by opening its warehouse and showroom for buyers to the public, and has shown a new way to define a store. Art books from more than 50 publishers, mainly from Europe, are available.
In 2019, Small Editions was taken over by Hannah Yukiko Pierce. Drawing from a background in design strategy, arts programming, and independent publishing, her approach to client work is collaborative, with an emphasis on education about the production and distribution process; With the publishing arm, the she aims to co-create platforms for early career artists through experimental publishing projects.
designs and publishes artists’ books, zines, and editions in close collaboration with artists; experimenting with books as art, discourse, exhibition, and archive
Soccochico is an independent online bookshop originally based in London. We have a special interest in out-of-print publications, collectible books and printed matters in a variety of specialised subjects from the arts to social movements. Our eclectic catalogue displays rare and used books as well as new titles.
Specter Press was Sulki and Min’s publishing imprint active from 2006 until 2021, founded with an impulse to create physical forms for intangible artistic ideas.
Spector’s publishing practice is settled squarely in the intersection of art, theory, and design. Based in Leipzig Germany, our publishing house explores the possibilities offered by an active exchange between all parties involved in the book production process: artists, authors, book designers, lithographers, printers and bookbinders. The book as medium is turned into a stage, a site of encounter for productive exchange.
Spooky Books is an independent publisher focused on the production and dissemination of limited edition artists books.
Since 2013 SPRINT is a non–profit artist–led platform devoted to investigate – in a sustainable environment and inclusive gaze – the multiple ways in which contents, supports and languages emerge in independent and artist publishing, from zine to books and viceversa to warp formats with attitude. SPRINT is composed by an annual Art Book Fair & Public Program, a scattered series of Warm-Up episodes, The Riso Club Printing Studio [soon] and a growing Archive, with the collaboration, in this years, among others of:
Sternberg Press is a London-based publishing house of art and cultural criticism, creative nonfiction, and literary and experimental fiction. Founded by Caroline Schneider in New York in 1999, it aims to support both new and established writers and nourish lasting editorial relationships. The press is committed to publishing books with an interdisciplinary focus on contemporary visual culture and related critical discourse.
Keeping this in mind, Stolen Books is not a database of stolen or missing books, but an independent publisher (based in Lisbon, Portugal) that steals (with the agreement of the authors) and publishes works whose absence constitutes an offense to the international book market. Working with established names alongside new and upcoming talents, Stolen Books reproduces copies of visual projects, purposely designed for the book format.
All independent publishers of artistic publications, books, magazines, zines etc. are welcome to apply. Producers of audiovisual productions are explicitly invited. A selection will made from the incoming applications.
Magazinie for Independent Publishing
Surpllus is an independent publisher of printed matter pertaining to critical and speculative practices, including (but not limited to) artists’ books and zines, exhibition catalogues, and critical writing and theory.
TAMBOURINE is a specialized online art bookstore. Established in Madrid, TAMBOURINE’s cataloge includes magazines and books on art, design, photography, architecture and fashion by independent publishers from all corners of the world.
TBW Books is an independent photography book publishing company founded in 2006 by Paul Schiek.
The Book Society is a collective, working in Seoul through publishing. Since 2010, we have published and edited books under the name of mediabus. We have curated exhibitions and projects as well. Through bookshop and project space, we have sold and distributed books related to contemporary art, design.
The Cologne Art Book Fair was initiated in 2015 providing a new and invaluable platform for friends, collectors, and makers of artists’ books, fanzines, limited editions and unique prints.
The Everyday Press is a publisher of art books and artists books. The Everyday Press works closely with artists, designers and writers to release publications paying particular attention to the book as an object. The outlook of the press isn’t fixed on any particular mode of production or format, some books are released in small quantities without ISBN numbers while others are offset printed and distributed more widely via traditional commercial networks. The main focus is a formal coherence between of the idea and purpose of the books and their material make up: this is primarily done by considering available production technologies and the editorial choices made under particular circumstances.
Founded in Los Angeles in 2014, The Fulcrum Press is a small publisher exploring the interplay between photography and other artistic media. We are committed to expanding the possibilities of the publication format through our approach to the photo book as curatorial project that exists both on and off the printed page. This commitment to the expanded role of the photographic object inspired our new brick and mortar Los Angeles space, The Fulcrum, which will bring together local, national and international artists working in photography and provide a single site for books, lectures, exhibitions and classes open to the local community.
The Grafische Cel is a platform for research in the academic Graphic Design course at Sint-Lucas Visual Arts in Ghent.
Publisher based in Los Angeles.
Our purpose is to promote the history and tradition of books and materials in the overlapping fields of art, design, and concrete poetry. We specialize in artists’ books, ephemera, prints, correspondence, and art from the 1960s onward.
The Melbourne Art Book Fair is an annual event, established in 2015, that offers a unique platform for bringing together a diverse range of art publishers, artists and designers from around the world.
Festival The Other Book is a unique celebration of artists’ books in all its facets. It is the first biennial event in The Hague (NL) that combines an art book fair with exhibitions, workshops, talks, presentations, demonstrations, films, and performances at various locations. The Other Book Fair welcomes makers of art books and artist publications from The Netherlands and abroad.
Tombolo is an online magazine that would like to create links between the archipelagos of knowledge on graphic design and more if affinities, in a clean critical form, with contributors from here and elsewhere.
Torpedo was founded in 2005, as a non-profit Bookshop and Publisher devoted to the promotion and production of artists’ publications, art theory and critical readers. Torpedo organize discursive activities, exhibitions and events related to the process of publishing.
Torpedo was founded in 2005, as a non-profit Bookshop and Publisher devoted to the promotion and production of artists’ publications, art theory and critical readers. Torpedo organize discursive activities, exhibitions and events related to the process of publishing.
Torque Editions is an itinerant publisher and curatorial platform, producing books, events and exhibitions focused on themes of mind, language and technology. Founded in 2014 by Nathan Jones and Sam Skinner.
Triangle Books is an independent publisher of artist books founded in 2013 and based in Brussels, Belgium
Tropic Editions is a Hawaii-based publishing imprint for artists’ books with a mission to support critically engaged artists here in Hawaii and across the tropical diaspora.
True Belief is a tiny, informal, independent, not-for-profit art publisher, organised by Adam Cruickshank
twelvebooks is a Japan-based distributor which is founded in 2010. We works with international independent publishers to distribute and promote publications on contemporary art and photography.
TXTbooks is an artist-run independent publishing initiative in Brooklyn, NY. Our interest is in self-publishing as a collective while facilitating projects with artists and writers working across many disciplines. Our best case scenario is to publish those who have not yet considered producing a zine, or at least don’t consider it their main practice; Our ultimate goal is to create dumb jokes and passion projects with as many people as possible.
UNFOLD Art Book Fair Shanghai.
Unit Editions is an independent publishing venture, producing books for an international audience of designers, design students and followers of visual culture. The company was formed in 2009 by Tony Brook, Patricia Finegan (both Spin) and Adrian Shaughnessy.
UNLIMITED EDITION is an annual art book festival showcasing small-scale and independent publications.
This Unseen Book Market includes around 60 (inter)national participants. The well-loved part of the fair for independent publishers of photography books will present a broad range of special publications, with book launches. The Book Market takes place in an outside pavilion, next to the Unseen Photo Fair and the Transformatorhuis.
Valiz is an independent international publisher on contemporary art, theory, critique, design and urban affairs based in Amsterdam. Our books offer critical reflection, interdisciplinary inspiration, and often establish a connection between cultural disciplines and socio-political questions. We publish these books out of our commitment to their content, to artistic and social issues and to the artists, designers and authors. Apart from publishing Valiz organizes lectures, debates and other cultural projects in which certain topics in contemporary art are explored.
The artists’ book as a democratic work of art will be the focus of the VABF. Hence, it is of great importance for us to keep the event free and open to the public.
At VABF, we offer an experience that allows the visitors to enjoy the fair while coming across exhibitor booths within the 3D space. While we want to provide everyone with the experience of the fair in 3D space, we understand that smartphones and some other devices may not be compatible to fully experience the fair. 2020 has been a year of change for the world. Even as COVID-19 rages on, the role of the TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR (TABF), as a platform in the art publishing scene, is that of utilizing the experiences and connections built up until now, and creating a space where people can discover new artbooks and meet like-minded people in the new virtual realm. In this age of experimentation, we promise not to lose sight of the DIY spirit or our sense of humor as we invite you to join us at the VIRTUAL ART BOOK FAIR (VABF), an online event featuring an array of experiences to give you a multi-faceted look at art books and their many charms.
Operating in various locations, the organisation’s main event is an eponymous book fair which takes place annually in Zürich at the end of November. The fair showcases the production of local and international independent publishers as well as self-editing artists who use small means of production. Exploring the creativity gravitating around the practices of independent art publishing, the event also offers to the visitor a series of experiences such as performances, workshops, talks, projections and book exhibitions.
WIELS organizes a new fair presenting over 50 artists, publishers & collectors who offer art books, artists’s books, photo books, catalogues, periodicals & other printed matter to public.
Witty Books is an independent publishing house that aims to promote contemporary photography and visual arts. Our mission focuses on the diffusion and education of the images.
World Food Books is an arts bookshop in Naarm / Melbourne. Founded in 2010, World Food Books is devoted to the presentation of a rotating, hand-selection of international art, design and literary publications with an emphasis on the anti-traditional, the experimental, the avant-garde, the marginal.
Yardpress is an independent publishing house focused on experimental publications and underground cultures.
unterstützen Künstler*innen bei der Produktion von Publikationen, kuartieren Ausstellungen, working towards the emergence of a transnational and postcolonial art history
Founded in 1985, Zone Books is an independent nonprofit publisher in the humanities and social sciences, with a special focus on interdisciplinary projects. Zone publishes original works by international scholars of philosophy, history, art history, cultural and sound studies, as well as political and social theory that have changed conversations across disciplines. Zone titles are edited by Jonathan Crary, Michel Feher, Hal Foster, and Ramona Naddaff, and designed by Julie Fry, based on an original concept by Bruce Mau.
In addition to the book tables where independent publishers present their publications, a discursive area is also set up at the Art Book Fair 2022. This consists of thematically Curated Shelves and a large discussion table where workshops, lectures and discussions will take place. For the Curated Shelves, actors will be invited to thematically design one bookshelf each with their selection of zines, publications or other material to provide a basis for discussion for the programme. More about the Curated Shelves coming soon!
Here you will find short descriptive texts of all exhibitors of the Art Book Fair 2022. Coming Soon
Coming Soon
The Shelf – Art Book Fair 2022 will take place in the foyer with glass fronts of the Sprengelmuseum Hannover. On the one hand, this space is part of the museum and, at the same time, very close to the outside due to the large glass fronts – this visual openness also determines the spatial concept. On the one hand, the proximity and permeability to the urban space will be maintained and utilized – on the other hand, there will be room for retreat and concentration. The window will also serve as an exhibition area and be used by artists.
In addition to the core team of The Shelf, the artist Max Neumann (project KLUB, among others) is responsible for the spatial concept and is developing the furniture in close cooperation with the core team especially for the event of the Art Book Fair 2022.
In addition to the online platform, there will be the physical The Shelf – Art Book Fair happening in October 2022, which sees itself as a platform for independent and artistic publishing. Throughout one weekend we want to create a space to discuss and exchange knowledge about the book and publishing as an artistic and emancipatory practice. By selecting a small number of independent publishers we hope to create an intimate atmosphere to leaf through publications, zines and other ephemeral material, which all share the idea of making things public and where the medium itself can be an artwork, exhibition, manifesto and more. The Shelf – Art Book Fair 2022 will be surrounded by a program, which includes panel discussions, workshops and a number of Curated Shelves from and with people of diverse backgrounds such as queer publishing, DIY culture and more to give center stage to forms of publishing, which are usually on the margins and outside of the mainstream book market.
In addition to the online platform, there will be the physical The Shelf – Art Book Fair happening in October 2022, which sees itself as a platform for independent and artistic publishing. Throughout one weekend we want to create a space to discuss and exchange knowledge about the book and publishing as an artistic and emancipatory practice.
By selecting a small number of independent publishers we hope to create an intimate atmosphere to leaf through publications, zines and other ephemeral material, which all share the idea of making things public and where the medium itself can be an artwork, exhibition, manifesto and more.
The Shelf – Art Book Fair 2022 will be surrounded by a program, which includes panel discussions, workshops and a number of Curated Shelves from and with people of diverse backgrounds such as queer publishing, DIY culture and more to give center stage to forms of publishing, which are usually on the margins and outside of the mainstream book market.
Curated Shelves
In addition to the book tables where independent publishers present their publications, a discursive area is also set up at the Art Book Fair 2022. This consists of thematically Curated Shelves and a large discussion table where workshops, lectures and discussions will take place. For the Curated Shelves, actors will be invited to thematically design one bookshelf each with their selection of zines, publications or other material to provide a basis for discussion for the programme.
More about the Curated Shelves coming soon!

Here you will find short descriptive texts of all exhibitors of the Art Book Fair 2022.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Space & Location
The Shelf – Art Book Fair 2022 will take place in the foyer with glass fronts of the Sprengelmuseum Hannover. On the one hand, this space is part of the museum and, at the same time, very close to the outside due to the large glass fronts – this visual openness also determines the spatial concept. On the one hand, the proximity and permeability to the urban space will be maintained and utilized – on the other hand, there will be room for retreat and concentration. The window will also serve as an exhibition area and be used by artists.
In addition to the core team of The Shelf, the artist Max Neumann (project KLUB, among others) is responsible for the spatial concept and is developing the furniture in close cooperation with the core team especially for the event of the Art Book Fair 2022.
Nora Brünger
Jasper Otto Eisenecker
Samuel Henne
Lea Maria Steinkampf
Max Neumann
Sprengel Museum Hannover
ad/ad – Project Space
Palm Press Publishing
V17 / Wood Grouse Coffee
Studio Parat
Coming Soon
ad/ad – Project Space
(ad/ad – Hannover e. V.)
Deisterstraße 13
30449 Hannover
Nora Brünger
Jasper Otto Eisenecker
Samuel Henne
Lea Maria Steinkampf
The conception, development and realization of this website
were made possible by the financial support of:

ad/ad – Project Space
(ad/ad – Hannover e. V.)
Deisterstraße 13
30449 Hannover
Website design and development